Date: May/June 1989
Volume: 7
Issue: 3
- VAL for the QLQL
- Larken Disk LibraryTS 2068
- Larken Disk Drive InformationTS 2068
- Time Designs Magazine
- Bob's Notebook: Jumping Backwards Relatively SpeakingTS 2068 Type-in program
- Modems Modems Modems
- Larken TipTS 2068
LARKEN RAMdisk (Bug Alert)TS 2068 Some LARKEN RAMdisk boards may have a diode reversed.
- Excerpted from Members LettersTS 2068 Type-in program Tutorial
- Playing With SoundQL
- C.A.T.S. Computer Fest 1989
WordwrapTS 2068 Type-in program Routine causes screen output to “wordwrap” like a wordprocessor.
- LARKEN Sequential/Random Files UtilityTS 2068
- TEC-200 Printed Circuit Transfer Film
- Digital Alarm Clock for QLersQL
- Predicting Lunar EclipsesTS 1000 Type-in program
- A Novelty ProgramTS 2068 Type-in program
- QLipsQL
All You Ever Wanted to Know on the Care and Feeding of Your Disk Drive(s)Review of Disk Service Manual III and The Disk Drive Tutorial, both by John Williams, published by Consumertronics.
Interface for RAM in T/S 2068 I/O PortsTS 2068 Hardware project Requires Oliger expansion board.
- Larken: Cracking Spectrum ProgramsTS 2068
- A Z88 Users GroupZ88
QLQL Connecting surplus RGB monitor to QL
- Modifying ARTIST II for the Larken Disk SystemTS 2068
Bob's Notebook: Disk Index, Sorting RoutinesTS 2068 Type-in program Disk index utility; MSCRIPT sort.
EditorialQL CATS Fest, newsletter, QLers, Non-canadians.