Sinc-Link v4 n2

Date: March/April 1986
Volume: 4
Issue: 2


  • President's Message
    Reports seven Larken owners, other comments about disk systems.
  • Star Performer
    Review of WORD*, a word processor for the TS 1000/ZX81.
  • TS 2068 Notice
    Eric Michaud developed an input/output cartridge for the TS 2068 with 8 inputs and 8 outputs, all TTL. Inquiring about sufficient interest to produce.
  • SincBits
    Reports on sale of Sinclair to Amstrad; incompatibility of some games in 128K Spectrum. Summary of magazines available; notes about Zebra’s OS-64, Z-Term 64 and other telecommunications software. Tasword 3 availability.
  • ZX81 News & Resources
    AERCO and Larken disk systems for ZX81/TS 1000 available. Reports on difficulties with Mini XMOD. Silicon Mountain Computer products discussed.
  • Bob's Notebook: FONTMAKER (user-defined graphics editor)
    Program listing for “FONTMAKER”, a user-defined graphics editor.
  • Review: Zebra Disk Drive
    One user’s experience with the FDD3 disk system.
  • TS2068 Tape Bug
    Bug encountered with SAVE and Enter. 9 repetitions will cause the computer to crash.
  • ZX81 Loading Filter/Interface
    Op-amp based load filter schematic and construction details.
  • ZX81 Subroutines
    Two subroutines: one to align decimal points, another limits number of digits printed after decimal.
  • Larken Disk Drives
    Instructions for setting up a Larken disk system, including providing power to the disk drive.
  • QL Tips
    Setting all caps mode; preventing procedure crashes caused by name conflicts.
  • Tips on Use of Color Commands in Extended Mode
    How to access foreground and background (INK/PAPER) colors via E mode cursor.
  • Review: OMNI-EMU
    User perspective on the OMNI-EMU Spectrum ROM cartridge. Cartridge auto boots to Spectrum mode. Has switch to disable Spectrum ROM.
  • Review: Zebra Systems Spectrum Emulator
    User perspective on the Zebra Spectrum Emulator. Requires OUT 244,3 to activate.
  • 2068 & Spectrum Customized ROMs
    Short article on author’s customized ROMs and brief description of how to create one’s own.
  • Peeks and Pokes for the Spectrum
    Three Spectrum pokes that may also work on the TS 2068.
  • QSAVE Techniques
    Notes on using the fast loading/saving program.
  • Programming Tips, Part 3
    When to use SLOW/FAST; tips on graphics coordinates.
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